вторник, 6 апреля 2010 г.

Same shit, different day.

Agonizing this process is – to pull out all your thoughts and write them down. As hard as recalling your dreams you have had this night, for you really try to understand the “nature of the beast”. So you continuously think about them during a day and what is the most interesting – they don’t go away, you can’t just let them go as if they reminded you about something irrelevant to your present position in time. But the very moment you set them free, you begin to regret, even repent, for their presence simulated the fact, that you were real and lived a real life. God damn, you did not. If you remember your first kiss or your first salary, you honestly believe that you’ve lived or have been living a cute and worthy life. Well, I must admit it a make belief, ok?...

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